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About dRAGon


dRAGon (Dynamic Retrieval Augmented Generation for Optimized Nimble) is a versatile Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) engine that enhances the capabilities of Language Model-based applications.

By enabling comprehensive searches across various document types, dRAGon generates high-quality answers that improve decision-making processes for individuals, organizations, and enterprises.

Our platform empowers multiple technologies, including JavaScript, Java, Docker, and AI frameworks like LangChain4j, making it a robust tool for diverse use cases.

As an open-source project, dRAGon encourages community participation, allowing users to fork, extend, and contribute to its development. This collaborative approach ensures continuous improvement and widespread access to cutting-edge information retrieval technology.

Join us in building a smarter, more connected world through dRAGon.

Technical Stack


  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3 / Spring Framework 6
  • LangChain4j
  • Nitrite


  • Vue.js 3
  • Vite
  • PrimeVue


  • Docker
  • Dev Container